Friday, February 10, 2012

Socializing My Research

This is the hands down, hardest part for me. I don't like contacting people I don't know. So in this blog I will post my baby steps to jumping off and contacting new people.

I reached out on Facebook and got a surprising turn out of responses. All enthusiastic and from all over my Facebook friend spectrum. So I was relatively pleased. I also contacted an enthusiast friend/pre-grad student who I met a BYU, Calvin. He gave me some great ideas on directions I could take my paper as well as referred me to Dr.Siegfried. Who, from the looks of her information page, studies in the exact area I am looking in. So I will be giving her an email as soon as I solidify my topic.


  1. That is great news! It is hard to contact complete strangers-I try and think of it as making someone else feel good about their work rather than a pat on the back to myself and it becomes easier. :-)

  2. Thank you so much! That really helps.
